Welcome to my website! I’m glad you stopped by.
I am a novelist, nonfiction author, and recently a scriptwriter-in-training with one script making the rounds.
I love good stories and coaching authors to help them bring their work to life. I also love helping authors discover the amazing benefits of self-publishing when done the right way.
I have a newsletter that discusses fun ideas and writing/publishing/marketing tips to help us both become better writers. I promise I won’t overwhelm your inbox! And if you sign up I have some great goodies you can get for free right off the bat. Check it out.
Please shoot me an email if you want from the contact page. I hope you enjoy your visit.
My latest blog posts
The Power of Saying Yes
We celebrated a wonderful Christmas this year. My husband and I hosted some guests overnight and had a small party on Christmas Day. Opening presents opened my eyes to a behavior we might all want to be careful about. Like all of our guests, one of them was quiet,...
The “Miracle Morning” IS a miracle! It Kept our House from Burning Down!
Today's blog goes under the category of be careful because you never know. Yesterday I started a Productivity course by bestselling novelist Jessica Brody at Writing Mastery (www.writingmastery.com). As an aside she offers some wonderful courses on this website -- one...
Brownies Death by Chocolate
I'm getting ready for another conference next week, then after that am looking forward to dialing down the pressure and just writing. I am working on my novel ReachDeep which has a ways to go but looks good. I also have roughs for two prequels I hope to put up on my...